International Trade

Business Etiquette Around The World

Each country has its own variety of cultures and traditions, and this is no different when it comes to business. What may be considered normal in one country could be classed as rude or offensive somewhere else and your behaviour could make or break a deal. Do your homework before attending any international meetings so you can make the best possible impression. Japan Japan is very conservative and this is reflected in their approach to meetings. To make the best impression dress smartly, preferably in a dark colour. Ladies should try to tone down their makeup and avoid high heels such as stilettos. After you have made a great first impression, remember to offer out your business cards and do so with both hands. For that extra special touch, translate the reverse of your business card in to Japanese.


Smart strategies for online growth

With online retail predicted to grow steadily in the near future, UK eTailers should take advantage of the opportunity to go global. Forecast online retail growth rates for 2013-2017, as determined by a Nielson/PayPal study this year: 12%   France 14%   Australia 21%   Brazil 13%   Germany 10%   US 18%   Italy 19%  Spain 18%   Russia 10%   UK 20%   China There are 4 main primary strategies for entering the global eCommerce marketplace: Localise your entire eCommerce platform for your target languages Localise key landing pages for your target languages, and link these to your English eCommerce site where visitors can purchase items from your English website Localise key pages of your website, linking them to localised product listings on Amazon or eBay, where visitors can purchase in their own language Localise product descriptions and put your products on eBay, Amazon or other online marketplace


Now is the time to export

With a 0.3% growth rate for the first quarter of 2013, and 0.7% for the second quarter1, we can’t claim that business is booming in the UK. In contrast, the Chinese economy is predicted to grow by 7.4% this year, with estimates for Indonesia, India, Pakistan and regions of Africa ranging from 4.4% to 6.2%2. Now is the time for UK businesses to take advantage of growth in other countries by exporting. And really, with only 62 million people in the UK, we are only a drop in the proverbial ocean! There are more than 7 billion people on Earth, and plenty of them would love to buy innovative British products. Why wouldn’t you want to export? At Web-Translations, our sales consultants have heard every excuse possible, starting with “We are just too small to export”. Our client portfolio includes many small businesses who export, and who have greatly benefitted from international trade, and with a well localised and optimised […]


British Exporters: be bold and explore the more unusual export markets

The latest economic research highlights untapped markets that UK businesses should exploit, according to economists at RBS who conducted the study investigating nearly 50 countries as potential markets for UK exporters. Export constitutes almost a third of the UK economy, but most companies that do trade overseas still focus on “traditional” markets in Europe and America. In its research, RBS rated each market by a combination of criteria, including size, growth, and compatibility of its import needs with the products that are produced and exported in the UK. Those countries assessed as part of the study made up less than 25% of all UK goods exported in 2012. The research identifies export opportunities that British businesses are not taking full advantage of. With growth in the US and Europe slowing or even at a standstill, it makes sense to diversify into other markets where competitors might not yet be active. “Our research highlights a set of markets which may not […]


Announcing our new Website Localisation services

Here at Web-Translations we’ve always prided ourselves on packaging our language services to make them as easy as possible for clients in all industries to understand and buy. Our International Blast and Strategic Approach to Localisation services have launched hundreds of companies in international markets, but we realised that the basic SEO we included in these packages no longer met the needs of today’s online businesses. A few years ago, the basic SEO tactics we used to promote our clients’ newly localised websites in the countries they were targeting were enough to get them started, and generate search traffic, but the search marketing industry has moved on in leaps and bounds since then, and we decided it was time for an overhaul. The result is a group of localisation service levels that have been designed to suit different business types at different stages of international trade: We haven’t forgotten eCommerce clients either – however rather than stipulating a fixed package of services […]