
Social Media Translation: Things to Consider

Social Media translation can be difficult to navigate at times with the various platforms and their immediacy, but that’s why we’re here to help.


Now offering a microsite package

Test a new market with a localised custom-designed microsite including 500 words of translation and a .com domain for one year.


Are you ready for international customers?

Before launching your localised website, take time to review your company’s operational procedures.


Warning: You’re losing money by not localising your website

In 2017, there were 153,852 exporters of goods in the United Kingdom. This is up from 141,433 exporters in 2013.


Main concerns of international online shoppers

Presents for family in America   Presents for the kids Present for Grandma Click, click, click.  My Christmas shopping is nearly complete, and 80% was purchased online.  The gifts that haven’t been dropped into my online shopping basket have at least been researched and price-checked online.  Judging by the latest eCommerce research, I am not alone. Consumers around the world are shopping online in increasing numbers.  It’s quick and often cheaper; getting the lowest advertised price only takes a quick Google search.  And with free shipping options, it’s cheaper than paying for city centre parking! Buying gifts for friends and family in another country is also a lot easier – no queuing at the post office! – and saves the cost of international postage. With your international eCommerce site, the concerns are very much the same as for English-language only websites, however there are a few additional points to consider for your foreign-language pages. Simply translating the English content is not sufficient.   Delivery charges […]