Are you using social media to enhance the export success of your business?
If your company exports to B2B customers overseas, and uses Social Media as part of your marketing strategy, then Egyptian academic Ziad Abdelmoety would like to hear from you: he is currently writing a thesis on the role and use of social media by UK companies in the export sector.
This is obviously a hot topic of interest and the results have the potential to benefit UK businesses that need to engage the new forms of marketing communications in their export strategy.
Ziad is an academic at Assuit University in Egypt with a background in international marketing. He is presently working towards his doctorate in the Marketing department at the University of Strathclyde.
The target companies for his research are B2B SMEs engaged in or considering export and using Social media as part of their export process to:
Increase awareness of their company & brand in international markets
Find out about international customers’ views and preferences by, for example, monitoring what has been said about companies and products
Profile details about their international competition (e.g. SWOT analysis, competitor activity, identifying opportunities)
Participants will gain access to the findings from this research in the form of an Executive Summary, once all the data has been compiled and analysed. It is intended that this summary will not only be interesting and informative, but will also provide information to exporters on how they can improve their performance in overseas markets, and maximise international market potential through the use of social media technology and networks.
To participate please fill in this survey at:
Many thanks!
If you have any questions, or would like to contact Ziad directly, you can email him here.
29 August 2014 14:09