Many of our clients tell us they don’t see any benefit to tweeting or maintaining a facebook page. The perception is often that social media is better for B2C businesses than B2B, and for companies selling a product as opposed to service-based companies.
In all honesty, the majority of our Web-Translations Twitter followers, and those who like us on facebook, are translators – our suppliers – and not customers. So if most people we connect with are not going to buy from us, and Google says the number of Twitter followers and facebook likes don’t affect SEO, why bother?
While status updates and tweets don’t directly help us to make sales or improve our SERPs, they are a form of marketing, and all aspects of marketing are based on relationships, including SEO. Social media helps us to network with content creators, like bloggers, who can link to us or mention our name, which will indirectly affect our search rankings. Make friends, or at least e-friends, with those in your industry – they can find out about your videos or blog posts from information you share social media, and in turn share this content with their followers. You benefit from having more people reading your content, and your SEO will benefit from the links and mentions.
We should also mention that some experts feel Google does in fact use likes/followers as metrics and hasn’t disclosed it, or that Google is at least working on way to include these metrics in their algorithms. In defense of this theory, there is certainly a correlative relationship between sites which rank well and sites which have plentiful Twitter followers/facebook likes. Whether there is a causative relationship is up for debate.
Take the time to author great content, whether it be videos, images, informational pages or opinionated blog posts – and share it. The social media scene is like primary school – sharing helps you make friends, and you can never have too many friends, even e-friends.
19 August 2015 13:49